12 May, 2024


Revontulet: Finnish for "fire fox, or Aurora Borealis

Äiti from Catio Tales believes: "If you watch you can see the tailios of those we have loved and miss so much playing in the lights."

Friday, 10 May, we witnessed our Rainbow Bridge tailios; it was spectacular!!!
Am sure this was my first Northern Lights observation, and feel extra delighted because we'd enjoyed the total solar eclipse last month.

A very special experience.
⭐️ ❤️ ⭐️

11 May, 2024

HB Catman Dali

Salvador Dali
11 May, 1904-23 January, 1989

Artist known for his work in Cubism, Dada, and Surrealism.

And he was a cat man!
The Persistence of Memory, 1931
Viewed at MoMA, New York City
Lunch meat parody
Kitten parody!
Even Fat Cat Art made a version
Go here for more, and click on the image above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.
Dali Atomicus: Phillipe Halsman & Salvador Dali, 1948
Viewed at Detroit Institute of Arts
Salvador Dali, Paris: Willy Rizzo, 1950
Viewed at Detroit Institute of Arts
Let's Hop!
Click on the badge to visit Athena Cat Goddess!

10 May, 2024


Stuff seen in my 'hood:
The world's biggest spent whisker; glad I haven't run into this kitty!
Doggo sculpture...
...and it's matching cat sculpture.
Star hanging out atop a van.
Proof that Henry is using The Cat Hotel!
Thankfully, we haven't experienced wild weather, as has other parts of the US has; only plenty of rain, sun, and temperatures fluctuating down and up, up and down.

As I continue to work from home, I tie up my chuggin' shoes and get out for a walk twice a day.

Unafraid to carry an umbrella, to wear a floppy sun hat, or to wrap my face in a scarf.

And I always have my phone with me, ready to snap a pic of anything that strikes my fancy.